b'Take Control of Posting Compliance5 Additional Reasons with MyPosterGuard.com Why Large Enterprises Rely onMyPosterGuard.comIn addition to the features listed, Your Poster Guard PosterPoster Guard Plus secure web Compliance Service includes accessportal allows members to:View all federal, state, to our secure online accountcounty and city posting1.Set up an unlimited number management portal. Whether youchanges for your businessof account administrators locations at and read-only usersoperateve or 500 locati onsMyPosterGuard.com(or more), MyPosterGuard.com2.Satisfyll-in posting makes it easy to maintainFeatures: requirements on postings that require employer-speci c centralized control.View all federal, state, county and city posting changesinformation (with the ability that apply to your locations to create multiple versions forAudit compliance at every location in real time different locations or regions)See full images of required postings at each location when enrolled in our IntranetAccess printable PDFs of recent poster changes Licensing Service(see page 17) Check the status of all poster replacements 3. View and download reports Track shipments and con rm delivery of replacement posters Add/delete/update locations 4.Take advantage of optionalTransfer coverage from one location to another withinI-Verify Service, which the same state requires enrolled locationsVerify poster receipt and acknowledgment for remoteto acknowledge receipt and workers if using our Poster Guard E-Service proper display of posters Monitor pending posting changes 5.Receive training and support Verify account status from their dedicatedDownload reports Account Manager Get timely updates from our legal team about regulatory activityat the federal, state, county and city levelsWe are committ ed to safeguarding your informati on. Our data centers are SOC-certied to ensure the strictest technical, administrati ve and physical Access our FREE Minimum Wage Monitor for up-to-date controls are in place for your protecti on. information about current and pending minimum wage rates10 Your Trusted Partner for Labor Law Compliance PosterGuardPlus.com 11'