b'Your Workforce Strategies: AI Practical Uses for Artificial IntelligenceBy Sharlyn Lauby AItalent acquisition. Determine the roleSHRM-SCP & Publisher AI will play in your recruitment strategy. of HR Bartender Guidance from the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) encourages Sharlyn Lauby, SHRM-SCP, is an author, speaker,organizations to provide notice to applicants, and consultant. She is best-known for her work oncandidates, and contractors if they intendHR Bartender, a friendly place to talk about work- to use AI in their hiring process. They also place issues. Sharlyn has authored several bookssuggest regular monitoring for disparateincluding The Recruiters Handbook and Theor adverse impact.SHRM Essential Guide to Talent Management, published by the Society for Human ResourceIn May 2024, the U.S. government issuedManagement (SHRM).guidance titled Critical Steps to Protect Workers from Risks of Artificial Intelligence. According to an article in CFO Magazine,This guidance outlines key principles for71% of C-suite leaders said that the use ofdeployment of AI in the workplace suchartificial intelligence (AI) is a high or mediumas transparency with candidates andpriority for their business. But introducingemployees about the use of AI in employ- 71% 80%61%ment, anti-discrimination, and anti-retaliation protections. According to the law firm of C-suite leaders said of businesses use some of HR professionals plan toThe EEOC is stepping upMorgan Lewis, the U.S. Equal EmploymentAI is a high or sort of human invest in AI to streamlinetheir enforcement aroundOpportunity Commission (EEOC) is steppingmedium priority resources software HR processesup their enforcement efforts around AI and AI and machine learningmachine learning hiring tools, includinghiring tools.pursuing investigations and complaints against employers related to the use of and payroll systems? Or if you plan on usingAct, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), AI in the workplace.AI tools to help with FMLA administration,and/or the Genetic Information Nondiscrim-AI to an organization involves planning. IfDiscuss how AI tools will integratehow can you be sure the AI system is proper- ination Act (GINA). These examples include you plan to integrate AI into your workplace,with existing technologies.ly managing the leave certification process,AI usage intentionally or unintentionally youll want to make sure your workforce isEighty percent (80%) of businesses use someincluding securing employee medical infor- screening out persons in a protected class, prepared and ready, especially if you intend sort of human resources software and a mation? Ask questions about how technologyusing AI and failing to provide a reasonable to use AI in your workforce strategies, likeConference Board survey of HR professionalsproviders with AI features are handling bias,accommodation, and/or AI systems making compliance. Here are five considerations security, and privacy. These conversationsdisability or medical related inquiries. Ifto focus on when integrating AI, specificallyfound that 61% plan to invest in AI to stream- will also need to be added to the technologyyour organization is using human resources in workforce strategies. line HR processes. This means that leadershipprocurement process.software with AI features, you need toneeds to learn the lingo and understand how understand how the software works and Include AI in your organizations AI works.In a newsletter published by the law firmensure its compliance.talent strategy.This will help your organization talk withPolsinelli LLP, they share guidance from the EEOC citing examples of AI use being inKeep in mind that AI related legislation exists Theres one function of human resources thatcurrent technology partners about compat- violation of the Title VII of the Civil Rightson a federal, state, and local level. Californiais getting a lot of attention when it comes toibility. How will AI integrate with your HR Continued on next page20 PosterGuardPlus.com PosterGuardPlus.com 21'