b'Our Suite of Services Equips Your Continued from page 5 Business for Complete, No-Gap Q: How often do we need to update ourEmployment Law Compliancelabor law posters?A:Labor law posters should be updatedOuragship servicePoster Guard Poster Compliance Servicewhenever signi cant changes occur in thegets your business up to date with all required federal, state, county relevant laws. Be aware, however, that postingand city labor law postersand keeps it that way for a full year. The requirements are changing more frequentlyservice includes free replacements when mandatory changes occur than in the past, and government agenciesand foreign-language translations if required for all employers. typically dont notify businesses of these Increased scrutiny from regulatory agencies See the next page.changes. The common practice of reviewingPotential impact on government contractsposters annually is often insuf cient and may leave your business vulnerable tones andPosting compliance is a fundamentalPOSTER GUARD E-SERVICEpenalties. For total compliance, its advisableresponsibility, and neglecting it may be viewed to implement a more frequent review systemunfavorably by courts and agencies duringLike our Poster Compliance Service, Poster Guard E-Service provides or rely on a professional updating service. employment-related disputes. mandatory federal, state, county and city labor law postings in a digital format for remote and hybrid workers. It also tracks employee Q: What ongoing regulations requireacknowledgments for easy recordkeeping. employer action even if they dont entail a poster or handout? See page 17.Labor law postingA: Various regulations require your requirements are changingattention beyond simply displaying postersMANDATORY EMPLOYEE HANDOUT SERVICEor distributing handouts, and they can comeThe Mandatory Employee Handout Service gives employers access more frequently thanfrom any level of government. For example,to the employee noti cations required for their businesses at the in the past. many states have enacted pay transparencyfederal, state, county and city levels. The service includes instructions laws that require employers to disclose salarydetailing when handouts must be distributed and how. ranges for job postings or to currentSee page 19.employees upon request. These laws dont necessarily involve posters, but ongoing Q: What are the potential consequences ofcompliance in your hiring and compensationEMPLOYMENT LAW ALERT SERVICEfailing to display required labor law posters? practices is essential. In addition, regulationsNot all employment laws require postings or handouts, but theyre A: Cutting corners with required labor lawregarding employee privacy, data protectionjust as important. Our comprehensive Employment Law Alert Serviceposters can result in various penalties,and workplace safety protocols maylinks employers to employment-related legislative and regulatory depending on the speci c law and enforcingnecessitate regular updates to companydevelopments at the federal, state, county and city levels. This agency. Consequences may include: policies and procedures. Another example rst-of-its-kind service includes easy-to-understand summaries is the obligation to conduct regular sexualand suggestions for implementing new requirements.Monetarynes (ranging from a fewharassment prevention training in many hundred to several thousand dollarsstates. Employers should stay informedSee page 26.per violation) about evolving regulations and incorporate Loss of certain legal defenses innecessary changes into their practices to employment-related lawsuits remain compliant. Learn more about these and other compliance solutions at PosterGuardPlus.com6 Your Trusted Partner for Labor Law Compliance PosterGuardPlus.com 7'