b"Have Remote Workers? Choose the Digital Posting Solution thats Right for Your BusinessThe Ulti mate Soluti on for Digital Posti ng ComplianceEmployers should provideEmpower your remote employees to view mandatory postings online and receive electronic posti ngs to anyemail updates every time a mandatory change occurs with Poster Guard E-Service.employee who doesnt visitThis service provides enhanced compliance protection with:a posti ng-compliant workTracked receipt acknowledgments to verify postings were viewedlocati on at least 3-4 ti mes aRecurring reminder emails sent to remote workers every month. Both of these services10 days until new or updated postings have been viewedconnect remote employees100% Posti ng Compliance Guarantee against governmentnes*with required posti ngs AND*See complete details at posterguard.com/product-terms-and-conditions.they support compliance with the New York law that requires employers to provideA Cost-E ecti ve Soluti on for Organizati ons that Host digital copies of requireda Corporate Intranet or Employee Web Portallabor law noti ces and postersProvide remote employees with quick-and-easy access to to employees. required labor law postings with Intranet Licensing Service.Both the Intranet Licensing Service and EMPLOYEES: Poster Guard E-Service 1.click a secure link on your website support compliance with New York's digital 2. select their locati on to view applicable federal,posting requirement.state, county and city posti ngsThats it. Postings are kept up to date by our in-house legal team and the service provides the ability to satisfyll-in posting requirements with an easy-to-use customization tool.Digital Posting SolutionsScan to learn more or call 800.999.9111.posterguard.com/electronic-labor-law-posters16 Your Trusted Partner for Labor Law Compliance PosterGuardPlus.com 17"